Our Life… {Madison Sneak Peek}

This is the super gorgeous Madison whose lovely family I shot a couple of weeks ago and included her Mummy, Uncle, Grandma and Grandad. The shoot was actually scheduled for a few weeks before but when I arrived the heavens had opened and the weather was awful!...

Our Life… {and the chickens ~ Sneak Peek}

So my first Sneak Peek for this Monday is this gorgeous brother and sister. We had a fantastic time playing in their lovely garden on Sunday morning and even ventured in to their gorgeous chicken coupe which is where this shot was taken! Thanks to both these two for...

Monday Monday…

It is Monday again – where do the days go? It always feels like I have only just written this post but at the same time that so much has happened since last week. I hope you have all had a lovely week and a great weekend? Most of my time has been spent in the...

Our Life… {three generations ~ Sneak Peek}

My second Sneak Peek of the week goes to these fabulous ladies who I photographed yesterday afternoon. Julie (who organised the shoot) had the fantastic idea of shooting the 3 generations of girls within the family which with Mothers Day coming up this time next week...