Eaton E Shoot… and the cutest Kitten!

You may remember Carl and Charlotte’s SP from a few weeks back, what I didn’t tell you however is that on that day I also met the most gorgeous kitten I have ever seen (aside from my Mally!) called Toulouse! Upon seeing him and how much these guys doted...

There is always more to learn…

A lot of you may know that I LOVE to do photography courses. When I started my career 10 years ago it was all collage and university courses which meant lots of still life, lots and lots of theory and even more time in the dark room! The photography industry has...

The Dunston Hall Wedding Show…

The time has come round again for the Dunston Hall Autumn Wedding Show. This is a fantastic show which always boasts a great calibre of stands and exhibitors. It will be taking place on Sunday the 26th of September from 11am till 4pm and I will be there exhibiting in...

Sneak Peek… Family Beach shoot…

This morning was spent down the beach, flip flops off taking photos of the most super cute little girl and her gorgeous mum and dad… and they call this work! It was a great fun shoot with a giant frisbee, giant bubbles, a normal size bucket and spade and a...

Cute Vintage Wedding SP…

Yesterdays Vintage Inspired wedding was amazing… the attention to detail stunning, the bride looked beautiful, the groom looked very handsome, their friends and family were super lovely and by looking at my ‘dance floor’ images super fun! We were a...