Our Life… {The Kirk Family ~ Sneak Peek}

On Easter Sunday afternoon I headed in land to the home of the gorgeous Kirk family to shoot them and their beautiful daughter, Jasmine. When I arrived There were also 2 friends, 4 dogs and a horse to shoot and we had a whale of a time finding backdrops around their...

I Will… {Ross & Marie ~ Sneak Peek}

Dressed for the hottest day of the year Ross, Marie and I all headed to the gorgeous Wells Beach on Easter Sunday morning for an Engagement Shoot in the sun. However when we got there we were greeted with cold, low level cloud and wind!  Despite this they had two...

I Do… {Simon & Gemma, Sneak Peek}

Saturday was the wedding of the gorgeous Simon and Gemma Hatson. The weather was perfect, the venue was beautiful and despite being fashionably a little late the bride was totally stunning! We decided to do 2 shorter sets of couple shots to take advantage of the...

I Will… Sean & Catherine {Sneak Peek}

Yesterday I traveled over to the gorgeous Fritton House Hotel to shoot Catherine and Sean’s Engagement Shoot before their wedding in August. Catherine and Sean were actually the winners of last years ‘Win your Wedding Photography’ competition which I...
I Will… {Jonathan & Mandy}

I Will… {Jonathan & Mandy}

Mandy first contacted me as a recommendation from a friend of hers to enquire about booking for her and Jonathan’s wedding but I was already booked for their big day.  A few weeks past and it was almost Valentines Day when Mandy saw my Valentines Shoot Vouchers...