Flower Power…

I thought I would start my brand new blog with one of my all time favorite shoots! When these two stunning girls asked me to shoot them for a best friend shoot to celebrate their 18th I was thrilled! When we came to talking about locations for their shoot they were a little stumped. They wanted something young and fresh but still quite natural, I immediately thought of a poppy field close to where I live that I pass almost every day and upon suggesting it the girls became as excited as me! The day started a as beautiful summers day and the girls had plenty of bright summery clothes that just went perfectly with the fresh young vibrant theme of the shoot. We had a great time trying all sorts of things before the heavens opened for a summer rain shower. I expected the girls to be ready to call it a day but no, they were as happy as me to keep shooting and in some of the photographs you can even see some raindrops! Enjoy…


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